Sunday, July 5, 2009

Scholars Retreat Day 2

Today we changed our plan a bit. We were planning to do a Literacy through Photography exercise, but the supplies hadn't arrived from the US yet (definitely due to the mail system here) so we did some arts and crafts using some supplies I had brought.

We finished up scholar interviews (details to come soon!) and had a little group discussion about life in Sakina. Some highlights: Their daily routine includes waking up at 5:30 or 6:00 am to prepare tea. Then they brush their teeth, wash their face, clean their room, drink tea, put on uniform, comb hair, and go to school around 7:00-7:30. Some of them can walk and others have 45 minute rides on the daladala (little vans that serve as public transport and cost about 10 cents for students).

After they come home from school around 2, they eat lunch, clean clothes, wash dishes, fetch water from the stream, bathe, help parents cook, do homework, and play soccer. They go to bed between 9 and 11.

Only one scholar has a TV and electricity. None of them own a calculator. Very few people own pets like we think of pets, but some have animals such as pigeons, a hen, cow, sheep, dog, duck, dog, and rabbit. 5 of them have a flashlight, 2 have a radio, everyone has a bed, but one sleeps on a couch. Only two of them have a family bicycle.

More details to come soon!
vocab word of the day: chiupe - rabbit

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